Friday, January 19, 2007

Back to the Beach!

A few more days spent resting on a beach.I need a good balance of curry,fruit,the beach....(trail off) and the mountains!While in Kashmir I bought some honey that's been resting comfortably at the bottom of my backpack.Which brings me back to the beach...(trail off) first morning in Kovalam I went for breakfast and got charged an exorbitant amount for my breakfast,well by Indian standards.So instead of allowing the beach side restaurants to gouge me,I gave my business to the locals who lined the beach waiting and willing to carve me up a fruit salad for under 50 rupees,about a $1.50 Canadian.I haven't taken that many pictures,actually the few pictures I did take got erased a while back.I got in an early morning fight with technology and technology won,to be fair I hadn't had my coffee yet!My point being is I try not to take meaningless and pointless pictures.Such as the dead fish that the beach side restaurants showcase every night,or the beggar that I see every morning with no legs,or a million beautiful sunsets.Ok so I like sunsets and it's hard to screw up a photo of a beautiful sunset.You can even purchase fancy camera's with a special sunset enhancement gadget!

So I'm sitting there with my beautiful fruit salad topped with heaps of fresh coconut,and I decide to take a picture.Oh and the honey,I had this bottle of honey in my bag that I had bought in Kashmir,and it was made with marijuana.Yes a much more enjoyable breakfast without the gouging.I never ever take stupid photo's,remember?So I have my beautiful salad positioned to balance in my lap just right,and in my other hand I have my camera.Attempting to take a picture of my salad for the folks back home,with the sun beating down on me,still balancing...( trail off) "would you like me to take a picture of you and your fruit salad?"I look up,"Hi" says the stranger at the other end of the voice.I attempt to play it cool..."um yeah but no it's ok" (changing subject) boy these fruit salads are great!The strangers name is Erica,who has been in Kovalam for seven weeks doing yoga.Erica is a Canadian but has been living and working in Hawaii.

I haven't met very many Canadians or Americans while traveling in India.Heaps of Europeans and Israelis all wearing those ugly gardening shoes.Yes there very comfortable,but so are large those jumpers with the large floppy ears and a pair of purple Ali Baba pants!I also met this crazy eccentric named Normon,he kept repeating "such a scream!" over and over again.We had a beer together,he was eating french fries topped with a sunny side up egg.I ordered one as well,Normon was in the shoe business,now living in Ireland!He would say,"The English are such a bore,but the Irish are such a scream,and don't know a thing about shoes"Yes a true character that Normon was,all 5'1,seventy-four years of him.A real howl!

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